Five Questions to Ask a Potential Insurance Broker

An honest and experienced insurance broker is your greatest ally when you’re searching for any type of coverage. Whether you are purchasing health, life or another type of coverage, your agent is the one who speaks to the company on your behalf. Before agreeing to any contract, ask your agent these five questions:
Would You Provide Me with References?

Does your insurance broker have a good reputation? Is he trustworthy? Ask for these two items, which will help you examine her credentials, and past work record.

- State License – Experienced professionals working in this industry are required to hold a current state license. In most states, you can call a twenty-four hour hotline for information regarding your agent’s state license.

- Disciplinary Records – If you have any doubts about your agent’s record, you can check with both the commissioner’s office and the Better Business Bureau. They keep track of any complaints that are filed against a licensed broker.

How Long Have You Worked in this Industry?

Does your insurance broker know the industry? In order to keep you up to date with the latest news and policy changes, he needs to know the various policies that are available for clients. And you need a representative that will put your objectives first and choose the very best policy to protect you and your family.

How Much Time Does it Take to Process Claims?

Your agent is the one that ensures your claims go through, and that you get the compensation that you need. Ask about your professional’s track record. What is the typical time frame for claims to be processed? Does he hold a successful claims track record?

Can I Meet Your Office Staff Members?

When it comes to the daily tasks, your insurance broker relies on many different members of his office staff. The office employees will be maintaining your portfolio, they’ll help you file your claims, and they’ll be conducting research to ensure you get the best possible service. So, take some time to meet them! Are they professional and efficient? Are they knowledgeable about their tasks? Can they answer your questions? Take the time to talk to them and ask questions. You need to know that the office staff is properly trained and qualified to work in the industry.

How Often Do You Speak with Your Clients?

Does your agent keep open lines of communication between his clients? Unless there are problems or questions, you don’t need to constantly be communicating with him. However, you should feel completely comfortable contacting him with any questions that do come up. You should also expect to go over your insurance policy at least once a year. He will let you know about any new developments that can improve your policy.

So, when you’re interviewing a potential insurance broker, there’s some key information that you need to gather. Find out about your agent’s background and his record as a professional. Also, take some time to chat with the office staff and ask questions about the service that you’ll be receiving as a client.